It is precious because of the moment it was picked: a special time, a birthday, an anniversary, an encounter. The stone is part of the memory of that moment.
It is precious because of the attachment we have with the person who found the stone, chose it, picked it and offered it to you. The stone is charged with an intimate feeling of love.
A choice of three drawings will be presented to the client and when a design is chosen, a quote is then prepared.
To proceed with the craftmanship of the commissioned jewellery, a 50% deposit is required.
The piece can take from 3 to 6 weeks to make.
The gold used to create the jewellery comes from an ethical source and is handcrafted in a goldsmith’s workshop in London.
TRISTAN, Mustique
TIPHAINE, Brittany
PASCALE, Matterhorn
ALICE, Greece and Morocco
ROXANE, Brittany
It is precious because of the moment it was picked: a special time, a birthday, an anniversary, an encounter. The stone is part of the memory of that moment.
It is precious because of the attachment we have with the person who found the stone, chose it, picked it and offered it to you. The stone is charged with an intimate feeling of love.
A choice of three drawings will be presented to the client and when a design is chosen, a quote is then prepared.
To proceed with the craftmanship of the commissioned jewellery, a 50% deposit is required.
The piece can take from 3 to 6 weeks to make.
The gold used to create the jewellery comes from an ethical source and is handcrafted in a goldsmith’s workshop in London.
TRISTAN, Mustique
TIPHAINE, Brittany
PASCALE, Matterhorn
ALICE, Greece and Morocco